
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfGlobal Girlhood Report 20222022 marks the 10th anniversary of the first International Day of the Girl. Save the Children’s latest report, The Global Girlhood Report 2022: Girls on the Frontline, takes stock of progress and challenges toward ending child marriage over the last ten years. It also includes new data analysis on the intersections of conflict and child marriage and highlights the voices of girls who have been displaced and experienced child marriage. 11/10/20222MB
application/pdfGlobal Girlhood Report 2023The climate crisis is making girls’ lives even harder. It destroys homes and livelihoods, driving children and their families further into poverty. And when families are forced to cut corners, it’s girls who tend to lose out. Despite being at the centre of the storm, girls are frequently left out of climate decision-making processes. This year’s adolescent-friendly Global Girlhood Report explores how the climate crisis impacts girls’ rights. It features new analysis by Save the Children on emergency hotspots where girls face the dual threat of child marriage and climate disasters, and stories of girls advocating for climate action in their communities. 10/10/20239MB
application/pdfHearing the Voices of Children of Cabo DelgadoThis document provides an in-depth look at children who have been directly affected by the conflict and makes recommendations on what interventions should be implemented for children and with children. Regardless of their circumstances, children have duties and rights, and they must be active participants in making decisions that shape their future, rather than simply benefiting from the help provided. 12/05/20211MB
application/pdfHistória de Sucesso do JossiasO Jossias foi diganosticado com desnutrição crónica pelas nossas brigadas móveis que traballham no projecto de saúde da Save the Children financiado pela USAID. Três meses de acompanhamento regular ajudaram a mudar a situação do pequeno e hoje ele está pronto para viver e continuar a longa jornada da vida com saúde.23/06/2023222KB
application/pdfHow Gender Transformation Can Help Improve Nutrition in YounSince November 2017, Save the Children International, Mozambique (SCI) and Helen Keller International (HKI) have been implementing a project called Linking Agriculture and Nutrition (LAN) in ten districts of Manica and Tete provinces, which is financed by the British Government (DFID / FCDO). The project has an overarching goal of reducing chronic malnutrition in children under 5, but it is also a gender transformative initiative.11/12/20202MB
application/pdfImpacto da COVID-19 nas crianças e suas famíliasA pandemia da COVID-19 teve um impacto devastador na educação de crianças de origens mais pobres e está a aumentar a distância entre ricos e pobres, e entre rapazes e raparigas. Esta nova pesquisa global da Save the Children mostra que nos seis meses desde que a pandemia foi anunciada, as crianças mais vulneráveis perderam desproporcionalmente o acesso à educação, saúde, alimentação e sofreram enormes riscos de protecção. Veja o resumo de Moçambique neste documento.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfImpactos do COVID-19 em crianças africanasEm África, 55 dos 54 países relataram pelo menos uma infecção por COVID-19. Esta pandemia atingiu a África não apenas como uma crise de saúde, mas também como uma crise socio-económica devastadora que pode persistir nos próximos meses e anos. Este documento de política ressalta que, embora as crianças não representem um grupo de alto risco para a fatalidade directa do COVID-19, a pandemia tem impactos secundários de longo alcance que aumentam os riscos para os direitos e o bem-estar das crianças africanas.17/06/20201MB
application/pdfInfográfico do Plano Estratégico 2019-2021Este é o resumo do nosso Plano Estratégico 2019-2021, cujo foco se concentra nas seguintes áreas: Educação; Saúde e Nutrição; Protecção da Criança; Direitos da Criança e Governação; Pobreza Infantl; Género; Casamentos Prematuros; e Resposta Humanitária e Resiliência.11/12/20191MB
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