Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| Comunicado de imprensa | Save the Children reune seus representantes dos países da África Austral (Moçambique, África do Sul, Zimbabwe, Swazilândia e Zâmbia) e parceiros do Botswana para reflexão sobre criança migrante em Moçambique. | 29/06/2018 | 143KB |
| Conferência de Imprensa para repudiar União Prematura | No dia 29 de Dezembro de 2020, a Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança), realizou uma conferênca de Imprensa para elogiar, repudiar e endereçar seu clamor face aos desenvolvimentos do caso hediondo de união prematura, perpetrado pelo Comandante Distrital da PRM de Morrumbala. | 27/02/2023 | 742KB |
| Conteúdo para profissionais de saúde | Os profissionais de saúde estão na linha de frente da resposta ao surto de Coronavírus (COVID-19) e, como tal, estão expostos a vários riscos como o de infecção pelo vírus da COVID-19 e outros riscos. Proteger os profissionais de saúde é de suma importância. | 13/05/2020 | 1MB |
| COVID-19 impacts on African Children. | The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented with the virus spreading in almost all countries in the world. In Africa, 54 out of 55 countries have reported at least one COVID-19 infection. Luckily for Africa, confirmed COVID-19 cases remains comparatively low, at 158,000 as of June, 3rd, which is partly attributable to early and decisive action taken by many African governments as well as a youthful population. However, COVID-19 pandemic has hit Africa not only as a health crisis, but also as a devastating socio-economic crisis that persist over the months and years to come. This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing. Read our Pan-African Policy Paper of COVID-19 impacts on Cchildren in Africa | 08/06/2020 | 2MB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQE SITREP#3 | Temos o prazer de partilhar o nosso terceiro Sitrep Semanal COVID-19, fornecendo uma visão geral do contexto actual em Moçambique e destaques de alguns dos trabalhos que a Save the Children realizou na semana passada como parte da nossa resposta nacional. | 14/05/2020 | 4MB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQE SITREP#4_EN | This is our 4th weekly Mozambique COVID-19 Sitrep, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique, and highlights of some of the work Save the Children in Mozambique has been doing over the past week as part of our national response.
| 22/05/2020 | 4MB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#1 | COVID-19 Sitrep#1, providing an overview of the current national situation and a snapshot of Save the Children’s response to COVID-19 in Mozambique. | 28/04/2020 | 1MB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#2 | Leia o nosso segundo Relatório Semanal da Situação da COVID-19 em Moçambique. Este documento fornece uma visão geral da actual situação nacional e de como a SCI está a responder.
Sinta-se à vontade para partilhar amplamente.
| 07/05/2020 | 732KB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#2_EN | We are pleased to share our second weekly COVID-19 Sitrep, providing an overview of the current national situation as well as how SCI is responding.
Please feel free to share widely. | 07/05/2020 | 727KB |
| COVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#3_EN | SCIMOZ is pleased to share the 3rd weekly COVID-19 sitrep, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique, and highlights of some of the work Save the Children has been doing over the past week as part of our national response.
| 14/05/2020 | 4MB |