
application/pdfChildren and women’s rights to property and inheritanceChildren and women’s rights to property and inheritance in Mozambique: Elements for an effective intervention strategy29/01/20131MB
application/pdfEvery Last Child Campaign Report17/11/20174MB
application/pdfState of Worlds Mothers28/11/20177MB
application/mswordComunicado de imprensaSave the Children reune seus representantes dos países da África Austral (Moçambique, África do Sul, Zimbabwe, Swazilândia e Zâmbia) e parceiros do Botswana para reflexão sobre criança migrante em Moçambique.29/06/2018143KB
application/mswordCase studies and material for external communicationAdvocating for end of legalized corporal punishment and other forms of humiliating punishment against children in Mozambique.03/07/2018150KB
application/pdfA decade fighting child trafficking in MozambiqueIn Mozambique, criminals take advantage of children living in poverty by promising them prosperity in the cities or South Africa.05/07/20181MB
application/pdfINTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThe capacity, structure, function, and reputation of the civil society actor must also be considered in our advocacy approach.05/07/2018385KB
application/pdfADVOCATING FOR CHANGEThe complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 05/07/2018424KB
application/pdfOur education goals in MozambiqueEducation is at the heart of our mission. Every child has a right to education as enshrined in international and national law.05/07/2018640KB
application/pdfcapacity of a National Coalition for Child Rights To ensure that all children, especially the poorest, benefit from greater public investment and better use of society’s resources in realizing their rights.05/07/2018750KB
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