Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| Educational Support for IDPs in Cabo Delgado | The ongoing conflict in northern Mozambique has caused mass displacement and continuous movement of the population. With funding from Japan Platform, Save the Children is providing educational assistance to both internally displaced and host community children in Chiure and Montepuez districts of Cabo Delgado, with the aim of increasing the education access, retention and transition of crisis affected girls and boys. | 22/02/2023 | 494KB |
| Every Last Child Campaign Report | | 17/11/2017 | 4MB |
| EVIDENCE SPOTLIGHT: UNGUMI – IMPROVING ADOLESCENT SRHR | With financial support from Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Save the Children implemented the Ungumi project from 2018-2022 in response to the significant sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs of adolescent girls and boys in Zambézia province. This project has been recognized as one of the most impactful Save the Children project globally, including reducing child marriage by 10% across 43 communities. | 30/08/2023 | 935KB |
| EXPERIÊNCIAS DAS CRIANÇAS PART ICIPANT ES DO PARLAMENTO INFA | Nesta brochura são apresentados depoimentos de jovens que participaram no Parlamento Infantil a nível Distrital, Provincial e Nacional que demonstram que a participação das crianças, nos assuntos que afectam as suas vidas, a advocacia para o bem-estar colectivo e em processos de liderança de grupos têm influência na sua formação, personalidade e conduta. | 01/04/2024 | 8MB |
| Fact Sheet - SAIL-ECHO Project | Save the Children in Mozambique is implementing, in the province of Cabo Delgado, a project called Safe and Inclusive Learning (SAIL), funded by the European Union through the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (http://ec.europa.eu/echo/). It is expected that by its closure, in May 2024, close to 93,000 children will benefit from interventions on education, child protection sectors and actions to reduce the risk of natural disasters. The project is being implemented in partnership with Associação Progresso, Humanity & Inclusion and Mentor Initiative. This is the project Fact Sheet. | 03/01/2023 | 879KB |
| Fact Sheet Projecto SAIL-ECHO | A Save the Children em Moçambique está a implementar, na província de Cabo Delgado, um projecto denominado Aprendizagem Segura e Inclusiva (SAIL), financiado pela União Europeia através da Direcção-Geral da Protecção Civil e da Operações de Ajuda Humanitária (http://ec.europa.eu/echo/). Espera-se que até ao seu fecho, em Maio de 2024, sejam beneficiadas perto de 93 mil crianças nos sectores de educação, protecção e acções de redução de risco de desastres naturais. O projecto está a ser implementado em parceria com a Associação Progresso, a Humanity & Inclusion e a Mentor Initiative. Este é o sumário do projecto. | 03/01/2023 | 872KB |
| Fact Sheet_BHA_CD | The majority of the internally displaced people (IDPs) forced to flee their homes due to insecurity in northern Mozambique, remain in the province of Cabo Delgado. With USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) funds, Save the Children is providing access to health, nutrition, WASH, and protection services to conflict-affected children and communities. Save the Children aims to prevent and reduce excess morbidity and mortality, and to strengthen the protective environment, among IDP and host communities in Chiure and Metuge districts.
| 04/05/2023 | 701KB |
| FAMOD UPR Report_2020 | The FAMOD UPR Report analyzes the implementation of the legal framework on people with disabilities in Mozambique, identifying the main gaps and recommending possible solutions. The document also addresses the way in which institutions and policies respond to disability problems in the country. | 21/10/2020 | 803KB |
| Ficha Informativa - Projecto Kudziua | O Projecto Kudziua (2018-2021) - “Educação pré-escolar inclusiva e saúde integrada, nutrição, educação e serviços de proteção na Província da Zambézia, Moçambique - AID 011462” é implementado pela Save the Children com o apoio financeiro da Agência Italiana de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento (AICS). Veja aqui a informação detalhada sobre o projecto. | 26/09/2021 | 1MB |
| Formação para Actores Comunitários sobre a COVID 19 | Documento para formação de actores comunitários sobre a COVID-19. | 13/05/2020 | 3MB |