
application/pdfSCIMOZ SITREP#9_ENRead Save the Children's Mozambique COVID-19 ninth sitrep, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique, and highlights of some of the work Save the Children has been doing over the past two weeks as part of our national response.31/07/20205MB
application/pdfShe Belongs in School project Fact SheetThe "She Belongs in School" project was officially launched on May 6, 2022 in Lichinga, Niassa province. The initiative, funded by Global Affairs Canada, develops actions aimed at empowering girls, including providing safe and supportive learning environments that enhance girls' skills and competences.21/09/20222MB
application/pdfSonhos das crianças 2020Sonhos das crianças_2020. 01/04/20249MB
application/pdfSONHOS DAS CRIANÇAS 2020Sonhos das Crianças em Moçambique 2020, compilados em um relatório.01/04/20249MB
application/pdfSonhos das Crianças 2022O documento "Sonhos das Crianças" é um resumo do que as crianças em Moçambique almejam e é resultado do processo da elaboração do Relatório Anual da Criança. É especialmente dedicado a partilhar o que, na sua perspectiva, seria a situação ideal para si a nível familiar e comunitário, abragendo aspectos como a Paz, Inclusão e Participação, Educação, Uniões Prematuras e Meio Ambiente14/12/20232MB
application/pdfSonhos das Crianças_2021Este documento espelha o que as crianças de Moçambique partilharam como seus sonhos durante o processo de elaboração do Relatório Anual da Criança_2021, um processo conduzido pelo Parlamento Infantil Nacional de Moçambique, apoiado pela #Plataforma3R, com suporte técnico e financeiro da Save the Children31/03/20222MB
application/pdfSouthern Africa Regional Seminar of National Human Rights InThe Southern Africa Regional Seminar of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) took place in Maputo on November 27-29. The event was attended by 58 participants - representatives of NHRI of Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Eswatini. It was also attended by the President of the Child Parliament in Mozambique and by representatives of some Civil Society Organizations based in Mozambique. This document summarizes the three days event discussions.22/03/202312MB
application/pdfSponsorship Program in Mozambique Projec Report_2022Este documento resume as principais metas,actividades e realizações do Programa de Patrocínios, implementado em conjunto com o governo e parceiros locais e com o generoso financiamento dos nossos patrocinadores.14/12/20223MB
application/pdfState of Worlds Mothers28/11/20177MB
application/pdfStop the War on Children: The forgotten onesAs the world endured the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, children affected by conflict continued to suffer grave violations of their rights. This latest report in Save the Children’s ‘Stop the War on Children’ series identifies deeply concerning trends for the safety and wellbeing of children living in conflict areas. This comes from analysis of the 2022 report of the United Nations Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, combined with updated numbers from the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) of children living in conflict zones. 09/12/202210MB
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