
application/pdf SCIMOZ COVID-19 SITREP#12Leia o 12º Sitrep da Save the Children Moçambique sobre a COVID-19, fornecendo uma visão geral do contexto actual em Moçambique e destaques de alguns dos trabalhos que a Save the Children realizou durante o mês de Setembro como parte da nossa resposta nacional.29/10/20204MB
application/pdfCOVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#3_ENSCIMOZ is pleased to share the 3rd weekly COVID-19 sitrep, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique, and highlights of some of the work Save the Children has been doing over the past week as part of our national response. 14/05/20204MB
application/pdfEvery Last Child Campaign Report17/11/20174MB
application/pdf DOUBLE DISASTERS The effect of cyclones This Policy Brief was produced on the occasion of the Day of the Girl, the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We are urging the government, UN-agencies, donors, stakeholders and practitioners to adopt the recommendations against child marriage.02/12/20194MB
application/pdfPLANO ESTRATÉGICO DA SCIMOZ_2022_2024Este é o Plano Estratégico da Save the Children 2022-2024, o qual espelha as nossas ambições para os próximos três anos em cinco sectores, nomeadamente a Protecção da Criança; Saúde e Nutrição;Educação; Direitos da Criança e Governação e Adaptação Climática e Redução de Risco02/12/20224MB
application/pdfRELATÓRIO MUNDIAL SOBRE A VIOLENCIA CONTRA A CRIANÇAA mensagem principal do relatório do Estudo do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas sobre a Violência contra a Criança é que nenhuma violência contra a criança é justificável e que toda violência contra a criança pode ser evitada. Se suas causas subjacentes forem identificadas. Documento em inglês. 01/10/20214MB
application/pdfDESASTRES DUPLOS: O efeito dos ciclonesEste documento foi elaborado por ocasião do Dia Internacional da Rapariga e dos 30 anos da Convenção da ONU sobre os Direitos da Criança. Instamos o governo, agências da ONU, doadores, partes interessadas e profissionais a adoptarem as recomendações contra as uniões prematurasl.02/12/20194MB
application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 SITREP#12Read Save the Children Mozambique's 12th Sitrep on COVID-19, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique and highlights of some of the work Save the Children did during September as part of our national response.29/10/20204MB
application/pdfChildren's Annual Report 2020With the support from 3R Platform, we, the children from the National Children’s Parliament, wrote the First Children’s Annual Report in Mozambique (2020). In the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 330 opinions were collected from adolescent, children between the ages 10 and 18 years, from the 10 provinces of the country plus the city of Maputo, through SMS and WhatsApp services. 01/04/20243MB
application/pdfThe Global Childhood Report 2020This report looks at 25 years of progress with and for girls and the threats that the looming COVID-19 crisis now poses to those hard-won gains. It includes new projections based on the economic impact of COVID-19 in 2020, expected to increase the number of girls at risk of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy. This is Save the Children’s first adolescent-friendly global flagship report. 08/10/20203MB
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