
application/pdfRELATORIO ANUAL 2022 SCIMOZCom um total de 1.093.625 beneficiários directos, dos quais 686.817 são crianças, e 1.540.899 beneficiários indirectos, 2022, o primeiro ano da nossa actual estratégia (2022-2024), foi de avanços, mas também de desafios em todos os nossos sectores de actuação. O relatório detalha as áreas em que esses avanços e desafios foram encontrados, com os principais alcances por cada sector.23/06/20233MB
application/pdfCelebrações dos 30 anos da CDC na África Oriental e AustralVeja aqui como foram as celebrções dos 30 anos da Convenção dos Direitos da Criança nos países da África Oriental e Austral onde a Save the Children está presente.13/12/20193MB
application/pdf2018-2020 Mozambique Humanitarian Response PlanEste documento é a terceira revisão do Plano de Resposta Humanitária de Moçambique (HRP – sigla em inglês) desde Novembro de 2018. O HRP (Novembro de 2018 a Junho de 2019) foi desenvolvido pela primeira vez para apoiar a resposta liderada pelo governo ao impacto humanitário do fraco desempenho da estação chuvosa de Janeiro a Março e o deslocamento de pessoas devido à insegurança em Cabo Delgado. 12/09/20193MB
application/pdfSCHOOL REOPENING ASSESSMENTWhile officially still in a State of Emergency, the government has declared that restrictions will gradually be relaxed in a phased approach, and which will soon include the reopening of schools. It is against this backdrop that Save the Children (SCI), as a strategic partner of the Minister of Education, decided to carry out the assessment in schools in the seven provinces where SCI operates to highlight the possible risks to children and teachers in relation to school reopening and to provide recommendations on measures that should be taken to ensure a safe school reopening process 31/08/20203MB
application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 RCCE Rapid AssessmentThis Save the Children in Mozambique (SCIMOZ) COVID-19 rapid assessment on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) was conducted through household surveys with adults and children (9-18 years old), with a total of 768 surveys conducted across 6 provinces: Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Zambezia, Manica, Sofala and Gaza. 05/06/20203MB
application/pdfThe impact of COVID-19 on children & their familiesThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the education of children from the poorest backgrounds and is widening the gap between rich and poor, and between boys and girls. This new global survey by Save the Children shows that in the six months since the pandemic was announced, the most vulnerable children have disproportionately lost access to education, health, food and have suffered enormous protection risks. See the Mozambique's snapshot in this document.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfSponsorship Program in Mozambique Projec Report_2022Este documento resume as principais metas,actividades e realizações do Programa de Patrocínios, implementado em conjunto com o governo e parceiros locais e com o generoso financiamento dos nossos patrocinadores.14/12/20223MB
application/pdfImpacto da COVID-19 nas crianças e suas famíliasA pandemia da COVID-19 teve um impacto devastador na educação de crianças de origens mais pobres e está a aumentar a distância entre ricos e pobres, e entre rapazes e raparigas. Esta nova pesquisa global da Save the Children mostra que nos seis meses desde que a pandemia foi anunciada, as crianças mais vulneráveis perderam desproporcionalmente o acesso à educação, saúde, alimentação e sofreram enormes riscos de protecção. Veja o resumo de Moçambique neste documento.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfChildren's voices on the impact of COVID-19 in MozambiqueBoys and girls are experiencing this crisis from their own perspective and – as greatly impacted, but also as critical change makers – their voices must be heard in the response to the pandemic. As Save the Children Mozambique, we have been working closely with Young Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Child Parliament, who have leading child-focused advocacy at national and local levels. This paper is a summary of what we have heard, and our recommendations.16/06/20203MB
application/pdfPromotion of sanitary pads for girls in ManicaIn April 2021, Save the Children in Mozambique (SCIMOZ) embarked on a training and production of reusable sanitary pads for girls in menstrual age in the province of Manica, within the scope of the implementation of the NORAD project. The process has so far involved 382 girls who are manufacturing and using these pads, ensuring their own personal hygiene and that of other girls in their respective communities. It is expected that 1,400 reusable sanitary pads will be produced in the districts of Tambara, Manica, Machaze and Macossa.21/07/20213MB
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