
application/pdfCOVID-19 impacts on African Children.The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented with the virus spreading in almost all countries in the world. In Africa, 54 out of 55 countries have reported at least one COVID-19 infection. Luckily for Africa, confirmed COVID-19 cases remains comparatively low, at 158,000 as of June, 3rd, which is partly attributable to early and decisive action taken by many African governments as well as a youthful population. However, COVID-19 pandemic has hit Africa not only as a health crisis, but also as a devastating socio-economic crisis that persist over the months and years to come. This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing. Read our Pan-African Policy Paper of COVID-19 impacts on Cchildren in Africa08/06/20202MB
application/pdfConteúdo para profissionais de saúdeOs profissionais de saúde estão na linha de frente da resposta ao surto de Coronavírus (COVID-19) e, como tal, estão expostos a vários riscos como o de infecção pelo vírus da COVID-19 e outros riscos. Proteger os profissionais de saúde é de suma importância.13/05/20201MB
application/pdfConferência de Imprensa para repudiar União PrematuraNo dia 29 de Dezembro de 2020, a Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança), realizou uma conferênca de Imprensa para elogiar, repudiar e endereçar seu clamor face aos desenvolvimentos do caso hediondo de união prematura, perpetrado pelo Comandante Distrital da PRM de Morrumbala.27/02/2023742KB
application/mswordComunicado de imprensaSave the Children reune seus representantes dos países da África Austral (Moçambique, África do Sul, Zimbabwe, Swazilândia e Zâmbia) e parceiros do Botswana para reflexão sobre criança migrante em Moçambique.29/06/2018143KB
application/pdfComo a promoção de género pode ajudar a melhorar a nutrição Desde Novembro de 2017 que a Save the Children em Moçambique e Helen Keller International estão a implementar um projecto denominado Lingando a Agricultura e Nutrição (LAN) em dez distritos das províncias de Manica e Tete, que é financiado pelo Governo Britânico ( DFID / FCDO). O projecto tem uma meta abrangente de reduzir a desnutrição crónica em crianças menores de cinco anos, mas também é uma iniciativa transformadora de género.18/12/20202MB
application/pdfChildren's voices on the impact of COVID-19 in MozambiqueBoys and girls are experiencing this crisis from their own perspective and – as greatly impacted, but also as critical change makers – their voices must be heard in the response to the pandemic. As Save the Children Mozambique, we have been working closely with Young Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Child Parliament, who have leading child-focused advocacy at national and local levels. This paper is a summary of what we have heard, and our recommendations.16/06/20203MB
application/pdfCHILDREN'S REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACRWCAs children were the main focus of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children, with the support of adults, we were given the opportunity to organize ourselves and write our own report, which we called the Children's Report on the Implementation of the African Children's Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in Mozambique01/04/2024191KB
application/pdfChildren's Annual Report 2020With the support from 3R Platform, we, the children from the National Children’s Parliament, wrote the First Children’s Annual Report in Mozambique (2020). In the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 330 opinions were collected from adolescent, children between the ages 10 and 18 years, from the 10 provinces of the country plus the city of Maputo, through SMS and WhatsApp services. 01/04/20243MB
application/pdfChildren and women’s rights to property and inheritanceChildren and women’s rights to property and inheritance in Mozambique: Elements for an effective intervention strategy29/01/20131MB
application/pdfCHILD SENSITIVE SOCIAL PROTECTIONAt Save the Children we advocate for a particular approach to social protection, namely Child-sensitive Social Protection (CSSP). We define CSSP as:Public policies, programmes and systems that address the specific patterns of children’s poverty and vulnerability, are rights-based in approach, and recognise the longterm developmental benefits of investing in children. Click to read more.13/10/202011MB
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