
application/pdfEAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA: COUNTRY EDUCATION PROGRAM BRIEFEast and Southern Africa is characterized by high exposure to shocks and generally low resilience. Each year, children in the region are impacted by a myriad of shocks and communitiesand governments generally struggle to recover and, in most cases, require outside support to meet basic needs. 07/08/201813MB
application/pdfA decade fighting child trafficking in MzambiqueHuman traffickers sell children to the highest bidders, abusing them and leaving emotional scars for life. In Mozambique, criminals take advantage of children living in poverty by promising them prosperity in the cities or South Africa. 21/08/20186MB
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfWORKING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE SYSTEM CHANGETo understand why civil society actors sometimes succeed in influencing systemic change and at other times fail, we must understand the overall political, social and economic context. Alteration of social practices, attitudes, institution, and policies takes time and will not raise from one organization alone. 21/08/2018424KB
application/pdfSAVE THE CHILDREN MOZAMBIQUE Education, Health and Nutrition, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Child Poverty, Emergency Programming 23/08/20182MB
application/pdf EFEITOS DOS QUITES DE IRRIGAÇÃO No âmbito da resposta à seca na província de Gaza, o consórcio COSACA financiado pelas Organizações DFID e SIDA, na altura composto por 4 organizações internacionais, nomeadamente a Concern, Oxfam, Save The Children e Care, esteve a intervir nos distritos de Guijá, Mabalane, Chigubo e Chicualacuala entre Janeiro de 2016 e Junho de 2018, nas componentes de segurança alimentar e meios de vida, água e saneamento, cuja intervenção consistiu em prover alimentos, sementes e instrumentos de irrigação as famílias vulneráveis bem como promover a adopção de boas práticas de higiene. 29/08/20181MB
application/pdf2018-2020 Mozambique Humanitarian Response PlanEste documento é a terceira revisão do Plano de Resposta Humanitária de Moçambique (HRP – sigla em inglês) desde Novembro de 2018. O HRP (Novembro de 2018 a Junho de 2019) foi desenvolvido pela primeira vez para apoiar a resposta liderada pelo governo ao impacto humanitário do fraco desempenho da estação chuvosa de Janeiro a Março e o deslocamento de pessoas devido à insegurança em Cabo Delgado. 12/09/20193MB
application/pdfMozambique CSP 2019-2021This is an info-graphic of the Mozambique Country Srategic Plan 2019-2021 02/12/2019830KB
application/pdf DOUBLE DISASTERS The effect of cyclones This Policy Brief was produced on the occasion of the Day of the Girl, the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We are urging the government, UN-agencies, donors, stakeholders and practitioners to adopt the recommendations against child marriage.02/12/20194MB
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