
application/pdfCOVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#2Leia o nosso segundo Relatório Semanal da Situação da COVID-19 em Moçambique. Este documento fornece uma visão geral da actual situação nacional e de como a SCI está a responder. Sinta-se à vontade para partilhar amplamente. 07/05/2020732KB
application/pdfLei de Terras_BR_229_I_SÉRIE_2022 1Como fruto da advocacia que a plataforma 3R realizou nos últimos meses através de posicionamentos submetidos as diversas instituições do Governo, retiros com a comissão de revisão da política de terras entre outros, seis artigo/ pontos a favor da Criança. 16/02/2023735KB
application/pdfConferência de Imprensa para repudiar União PrematuraNo dia 29 de Dezembro de 2020, a Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança), realizou uma conferênca de Imprensa para elogiar, repudiar e endereçar seu clamor face aos desenvolvimentos do caso hediondo de união prematura, perpetrado pelo Comandante Distrital da PRM de Morrumbala.27/02/2023742KB
application/pdfcapacity of a National Coalition for Child Rights To ensure that all children, especially the poorest, benefit from greater public investment and better use of society’s resources in realizing their rights.05/07/2018750KB
application/pdfCOVID-19: Uso de luvasO uso de luvas não é recomendado para se proteger da COVID-19 pois não reduz o risco de infecção caso entre em contacto com um objecto ou superfície contaminados e em seguida toque na sua boca, nariz ou olhos.13/05/2020751KB
application/pdfMozambique’s Early Childhood Development ProgramThis report reviews results from the implementation of Extracts also known as named as Rapid Assessment of International Early Learning and Development Assessment (IDELA) Tool in Mozambique. Save the Children staff assessed 972 children in schools where Save the Children implements its Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programs in rural areas of Xai Xai, Manjacaze in Gaza, Angonia, Changara in Tete and Erati, Memba in Nampula02/07/2020782KB
application/pdfFAMOD UPR Report_2020The FAMOD UPR Report analyzes the implementation of the legal framework on people with disabilities in Mozambique, identifying the main gaps and recommending possible solutions. The document also addresses the way in which institutions and policies respond to disability problems in the country.21/10/2020803KB
application/pdf CSO Supplementary Report on the Implementation of the ACRWCThis report summarizes relevant aspects of the perceptions of different civil society organizations concerning the level of implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Well-Being of the Child in Mozambique during the period 2015-2022.01/04/2024812KB
application/pdfMozambique CSP 2019-2021This is an info-graphic of the Mozambique Country Srategic Plan 2019-2021 02/12/2019830KB
application/pdfMozambique Country Office Strategic Plan 2019-2021Our Mozambique Country Office Strategic Plan (2019-2021) underlines our commitment for children in the country to survive, learn and to be protected. It is driven by five main strategic goals: education, child protection, health and nutrition, child rights governance and child poverty. Download here the infographic.16/10/2020830KB
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