
application/pdf2018-2020 Mozambique Humanitarian Response PlanEste documento é a terceira revisão do Plano de Resposta Humanitária de Moçambique (HRP – sigla em inglês) desde Novembro de 2018. O HRP (Novembro de 2018 a Junho de 2019) foi desenvolvido pela primeira vez para apoiar a resposta liderada pelo governo ao impacto humanitário do fraco desempenho da estação chuvosa de Janeiro a Março e o deslocamento de pessoas devido à insegurança em Cabo Delgado. 12/09/20193MB
application/pdf DOUBLE DISASTERS The effect of cyclones This Policy Brief was produced on the occasion of the Day of the Girl, the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We are urging the government, UN-agencies, donors, stakeholders and practitioners to adopt the recommendations against child marriage.02/12/20194MB
application/pdfDESASTRES DUPLOS: O efeito dos ciclonesEste documento foi elaborado por ocasião do Dia Internacional da Rapariga e dos 30 anos da Convenção da ONU sobre os Direitos da Criança. Instamos o governo, agências da ONU, doadores, partes interessadas e profissionais a adoptarem as recomendações contra as uniões prematurasl.02/12/20194MB
application/pdfSave the Children in Cabo DelgadoSave the Children has implemented long term development and emergency programs in Cabo Delgado since 2013. Save the Children is currently delivering projects in Metuge, Pemba, Mecufi, Chiure, Macomia and Montepuez districts. Our current programs in Cabo Delgado are directly reaching 64,344 people including 23,220 children. Read more.16/10/20202MB
application/pdfCABO DELGADO MULTI-SECTORAL RAPID NEEDS ASSESSMENTThe COSACA Consortium (CARE, Save the Children and Oxfam) conducted a multi-sectoral rapid needs assessment from 20-23 October, 2020. The assessment was conducted in three accommodation centres in Metuge district, and in an IDP host community and the main IDP Arrivals and Transit Center in Pemba City, the latter of which is primary entry point for the IDPs fleeing by boat. The multi-sectoral assessment conducted by COSACA was designed to provide a snapshot of the current needs of both the IDPs, and their host communities. Additionally it was designed to provide recommendations for the COSACA consortium, and other humanitarian organizations providing essential services to the impacted areas.02/12/20202MB
application/pdfPrevenção e Mitigação da COVID-19 entre criançasApelo Conjunto para Prevenção e Mitigação Eficazes do Impacto Secundário do COVID-19 sobre as Crianças mais Vulneráveis de Moçambique. O documento foi submetido ao Gabinete do Primeiro Ministro em Julho de 2020 como contributo nos esforços para minmizar os efetos da pandamia sobre as crianças.12/01/2021404KB
application/pdfOuvindo a Voz das Crianças de Cabo DelgadoEste documento fornece uma análise aprofundada das crianças que foram directamente afectadas pelo conflito e faz recomendações sobre quais intervenções devem ser implementadas para crianças e com crianças. Independentemente de suas circunstâncias, as crianças têm deveres e direitos e devem ser participantes activos na tomada de decisões que moldam seu futuro, em vez de simplesmente se beneficiarem da ajuda fornecida.11/05/20211MB
application/pdfHearing the Voices of Children of Cabo DelgadoThis document provides an in-depth look at children who have been directly affected by the conflict and makes recommendations on what interventions should be implemented for children and with children. Regardless of their circumstances, children have duties and rights, and they must be active participants in making decisions that shape their future, rather than simply benefiting from the help provided. 12/05/20211MB
application/pdfCase Study - Child Protection - Family TracingFleeing the armed conflict in Palma, Cabo Delgado, Celina's parents were taken by non-state armed groups leaving Celina and her two young sisters alone. Celina managed to reach safe zone and Save the Children is now in the process of reuniting the sisters with their grandmother.09/11/2021993KB
application/pdfCabo Delgado Program Portfolio2022 Cabo Delgado Program projects portfolio21/06/20222MB
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