Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| Case studies and material for external communication | Advocating for end of legalized corporal punishment and other forms of humiliating punishment against children in Mozambique. | 03/07/2018 | 150KB |
| CHILDREN'S REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACRWC | As children were the main focus of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children, with the support of adults, we were given the opportunity to organize ourselves and write our own report, which we called the Children's Report on the Implementation of the African Children's Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in Mozambique | 01/04/2024 | 191KB |
| APELO das 3R ao PM face a COVID-19 | Apelo Conjunto das três organizações da Sociedade Civil em Moçambique que trabalham na área dos Direitos da Criança para uma resposta e mitigação eficazes do impacto do COVID-19 sobre as crianças mais vulneráveis de Moçambique. O documento foi submetido ao Gabinete do Primeiro Ministro no dia 25 de Maio de 2020. | 26/05/2020 | 315KB |
| UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW OF MOZAMBIQUE | This is a report to the 3rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism focusing on the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities. For the purposes of this report, persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. | 01/04/2024 | 442KB |
| 3R Platform UPR Report_2020 | This report raises concerns regarding the general measures for the implementation of legislative instruments on the rights of the child, regretting, for example, the extinction of the CNAC in 2018. It also raise concerns about the general principles of children's rights; children's civil and freedom rights; violence against children; sexual and reproductive rights; problems with the functioning of community child protection committees; as well as well-being and the rights to education and to leisure. | 21/10/2020 | 540KB |
| APELO PARA MELHORAR O CNAS | Em Agosto de 2022, um grupo de organizações que trabalham na área da criança, representadas pela Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança) submeteram ao Gabinete do 1º Ministro um documento no qual fazem um apelo, com um conjunto de recomendações, para melhorar o funcionamento do Conselho Nacional de Acção Social (CNAS). | 27/02/2023 | 669KB |
| Lei de Terras_BR_229_I_SÉRIE_2022 1 | Como fruto da advocacia que a plataforma 3R realizou nos últimos meses através de posicionamentos submetidos as diversas instituições do Governo, retiros com a comissão de revisão da política de terras entre outros, seis artigo/ pontos a favor da Criança. | 16/02/2023 | 735KB |
| Conferência de Imprensa para repudiar União Prematura | No dia 29 de Dezembro de 2020, a Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança), realizou uma conferênca de Imprensa para elogiar, repudiar e endereçar seu clamor face aos desenvolvimentos do caso hediondo de união prematura, perpetrado pelo Comandante Distrital da PRM de Morrumbala. | 27/02/2023 | 742KB |
| capacity of a National Coalition for Child Rights | To ensure that all children, especially the poorest, benefit from greater public investment and better use of society’s resources in realizing their rights. | 05/07/2018 | 750KB |
| CSO Supplementary Report on the Implementation of the ACRWC | This report summarizes relevant aspects of the perceptions of different civil society organizations concerning the level of implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Well-Being of the Child in Mozambique during the period 2015-2022. | 01/04/2024 | 812KB |