
application/pdf2022-24 Save the Children in Mozambique Strategic PlanThis is our Mozambique CO Strategy for 2022-24, which is based on our passion, experience and unwavering belief that every child deserves a future. It was developed through an inclusive process, working with children to ensure it responds where they feel their rights are most challenged in the country. It sets out how we will accelerate and amplify impact with children.27/03/20234MB
application/pdfToR for Youth Needs AnalysisOkhokelamo plans to conduct a qualitative youth-inclusive needs assessment (YNA) to address key information gaps and identify safe spaces for adolescents and youth (AY) to access information and support; AY priorities for improved health, nutrition and income generation; and barriers and enablers to AY engagement.24/03/2023303KB
application/pdfToR Social Behaviour Change StudyOkhokelamo will conduct formative research to guide the development of the social and behavior change (SBC) strategy across all purposes. The research will focus on the topics of breastfeeding and complementary feeding, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and food security to refine Theory of Change (ToC) and program activities. The SBC study will be complemented by other formative research activities, namely: Gender Analysis, Youth-Inclusive Needs Assessment (YINA), 24/03/2023225KB
application/pdfSponsorship Program in Mozambique Projec Report_2022Este documento resume as principais metas,actividades e realizações do Programa de Patrocínios, implementado em conjunto com o governo e parceiros locais e com o generoso financiamento dos nossos patrocinadores.14/12/20223MB
application/pdfPLANO ESTRATÉGICO DA SCIMOZ_2022_2024Este é o Plano Estratégico da Save the Children 2022-2024, o qual espelha as nossas ambições para os próximos três anos em cinco sectores, nomeadamente a Protecção da Criança; Saúde e Nutrição;Educação; Direitos da Criança e Governação e Adaptação Climática e Redução de Risco02/12/20224MB
application/pdfPlano Estratégico 2022-24 da Save the Children em MoçambiqueEsta é a nossa estratégia nacional para 2022-24, que se baseia na nossa paixão, experiência e crença inabalável de que todas as crianças merecem um futuro risonho. Desenvolvemo-la através de um processo inclusivo, trabalhando com as crianças para garantir que responde onde elas sentem que os seus direitos são mais desafiados em Moçambique. Estabelece como vamos acelerar e ampliar o impacto com as crianças. 25/04/20221MB
application/pdfInfographoc - CSP_2022-24_MOZSee the key challenges facing children in Mozambique and the approach Save the Children in Mozambique is embracing to tackle these as we embark on our new Country Strategic Plan 2022-202413/12/2021257KB
application/pdfCaso de Estudo_Poupanças Comunitárias UNGUMIPara reduzir a vulnerabilidade das comunidades, a Save the Children, através do Projecto UNGUMI, introduziu a componente de poupanças comunitárias visando garantir que membros da comunidade interessados possam economizar o seu dinheiro e pedir empréstimos para iniciar negócios ou concretizar seus planos e sonho21/11/20211MB
application/pdfFAMOD UPR Report_2020The FAMOD UPR Report analyzes the implementation of the legal framework on people with disabilities in Mozambique, identifying the main gaps and recommending possible solutions. The document also addresses the way in which institutions and policies respond to disability problems in the country.21/10/2020803KB
application/pdfSave the Children in Mozambique PortfolioEducation, Health and Nutrition, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Child Poverty, Emergency Programming are on the core of our current work in Mozambique as the main strategic goals. Our additional strategic goals include Gender, Child Marriage, and Humanitarian and Resilience. We have a long-standing experience in emergency programming, ranging from humanitarian assistance to preparedness activities. Read more here. 16/10/2020575KB
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