application/pdfMoz Generation Hope Update 1Generation Hope (GH) is the Save the Children Global Campaign to tackle Climate crisis for the 2022-2024 period. This update is part of Mozambique's showcases our latest move toward the campaign.30/06/2023992KB
application/pdfMaputo Declaration on the Commitment by SADC to enhance EarlOn the 23rd of March 2022, the UN Secretary General called on the WMO to lead a new initiative that will provide every citizen on the planet with Early Warning Systems1 in the next five years. The SADC Ministerial Meeting on Integrated Early Warning and Early Action System Initiative was convened in response to the SG’s call, and to support development of the Early Warnings for All Initiative action plan for COP27. The meeting took place 5-9 September 2022 in Maputo, Mozambique. This is the meeting Declaration.15/09/2022146KB
application/pdfDECLARAÇÃO DA 1ª LCOYEsta Declaração resulta da Primeira conferência local de crianças e jovens sobre mudanças climáticas em Moçambique que teve lugar em Maputo de 1 a 3 de Novembro de 2023. Espelha a vontade das crianças e dos jovens de dar o seu contributo face à actual crise climática. O documento está estruturado em três componentes, nomeadamente as Convicções das crianças e fos jovens; as suas Demandas e Compromissos; e as seus Apelos à Acção.15/11/2023208KB
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