Child Protection

application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 RCCE Rapid AssessmentThis Save the Children in Mozambique (SCIMOZ) COVID-19 rapid assessment on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) was conducted through household surveys with adults and children (9-18 years old), with a total of 768 surveys conducted across 6 provinces: Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Zambezia, Manica, Sofala and Gaza. 05/06/20203MB
application/pdfThe impact of COVID-19 on children & their familiesThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the education of children from the poorest backgrounds and is widening the gap between rich and poor, and between boys and girls. This new global survey by Save the Children shows that in the six months since the pandemic was announced, the most vulnerable children have disproportionately lost access to education, health, food and have suffered enormous protection risks. See the Mozambique's snapshot in this document.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfImpacto da COVID-19 nas crianças e suas famíliasA pandemia da COVID-19 teve um impacto devastador na educação de crianças de origens mais pobres e está a aumentar a distância entre ricos e pobres, e entre rapazes e raparigas. Esta nova pesquisa global da Save the Children mostra que nos seis meses desde que a pandemia foi anunciada, as crianças mais vulneráveis perderam desproporcionalmente o acesso à educação, saúde, alimentação e sofreram enormes riscos de protecção. Veja o resumo de Moçambique neste documento.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfRELATÓRIO SOBRE A PESQUISA DE REGISTO DE NASCIMNTOO relatório apresenta os resultados da Pesquisa Formativa para o “Projecto de mobilização social para o fortalecimento de registos de nascimento em Moçambique” desenvolvido no âmbito da implantação do sistema electrónico de Registo Civil e Estatísticas Vitais (RCEV) em Moçambique01/12/20223MB
application/pdfCOVID-19 impacts on African Children.The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented with the virus spreading in almost all countries in the world. In Africa, 54 out of 55 countries have reported at least one COVID-19 infection. Luckily for Africa, confirmed COVID-19 cases remains comparatively low, at 158,000 as of June, 3rd, which is partly attributable to early and decisive action taken by many African governments as well as a youthful population. However, COVID-19 pandemic has hit Africa not only as a health crisis, but also as a devastating socio-economic crisis that persist over the months and years to come. This policy paper underscores that, although children do not represent a high risk group for direct COVID-19 fatality, the pandemic posts far-reaching secondary impacts that heighten risks to African children’s rights and wellbeing. Read our Pan-African Policy Paper of COVID-19 impacts on Cchildren in Africa08/06/20202MB
application/pdfUnaccompanied children arrive in Pemba after violenceAfter the attack on the village of Palma on March 24, 2021, unaccompanied children began arriving in the city of Pemba in Cabo Delgado province. The exact number of victims is not clear and many people are still missing. Read our Press Release.17/06/20211MB
application/pdfA decade fighting child trafficking in MozambiqueIn Mozambique, criminals take advantage of children living in poverty by promising them prosperity in the cities or South Africa.05/07/20181MB
application/pdfCrianças não acompanhadas chegam a Cabo DelgadoApós o ataque à vila de Palma no dia 24 de Março de 2021, crianças desacompanhadas começaram a chegar à cidade de Pemba, na província de Cabo Delgado, O número exacto de vítimas não é claro e muitas pessoas ainda estão desaparecidos. 17/06/2021870KB
application/pdfCOVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#2Leia o nosso segundo Relatório Semanal da Situação da COVID-19 em Moçambique. Este documento fornece uma visão geral da actual situação nacional e de como a SCI está a responder. Sinta-se à vontade para partilhar amplamente. 07/05/2020732KB
application/pdfCOVID-19 MOZAMBIQUE SITREP#2_ENWe are pleased to share our second weekly COVID-19 Sitrep, providing an overview of the current national situation as well as how SCI is responding. Please feel free to share widely. 07/05/2020727KB
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