Child Protection

application/pdfImpacto da COVID-19 nas crianças e suas famíliasA pandemia da COVID-19 teve um impacto devastador na educação de crianças de origens mais pobres e está a aumentar a distância entre ricos e pobres, e entre rapazes e raparigas. Esta nova pesquisa global da Save the Children mostra que nos seis meses desde que a pandemia foi anunciada, as crianças mais vulneráveis perderam desproporcionalmente o acesso à educação, saúde, alimentação e sofreram enormes riscos de protecção. Veja o resumo de Moçambique neste documento.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfThe impact of COVID-19 on children & their familiesThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the education of children from the poorest backgrounds and is widening the gap between rich and poor, and between boys and girls. This new global survey by Save the Children shows that in the six months since the pandemic was announced, the most vulnerable children have disproportionately lost access to education, health, food and have suffered enormous protection risks. See the Mozambique's snapshot in this document.16/09/20203MB
application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 RCCE Rapid AssessmentThis Save the Children in Mozambique (SCIMOZ) COVID-19 rapid assessment on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) was conducted through household surveys with adults and children (9-18 years old), with a total of 768 surveys conducted across 6 provinces: Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Zambezia, Manica, Sofala and Gaza. 05/06/20203MB
application/pdfRELATÓRIO MUNDIAL SOBRE A VIOLENCIA CONTRA A CRIANÇAA mensagem principal do relatório do Estudo do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas sobre a Violência contra a Criança é que nenhuma violência contra a criança é justificável e que toda violência contra a criança pode ser evitada. Se suas causas subjacentes forem identificadas. Documento em inglês. 01/10/20214MB
application/pdfEvery Last Child Campaign Report17/11/20174MB
application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 SITREP#6Leia o sexto Sitrep da Save the Children Moçambique sobre a COVID-19, fornecendo uma visão geral do contexto actual em Moçambique e destaques de alguns dos trabalhos que a Save the Children realizou na semana passada como parte de nossa resposta nacional.05/06/20204MB
application/pdfProtect a Generation: The impact of COVID-19 on childrenSave the Children's global survey on the impact of COVID-19 on children’s lives and their families shows that two thirds of children had no contact with teachers during lockdown situations; eight out of ten children believed they had learned little or nothing since schools closed. Read the full Report here.16/09/20204MB
application/pdfSCIMOZ COVID-19 SITREP#6_ENRead Save the Children's Mozambique COVID-19 sixth sitrep, providing an overview of the current context in Mozambique, and highlights of some of the work Save the Children has been doing over the past week as part of our national response. 05/06/20204MB
application/pdfSave the Children's Universal Child BenefitsTowards Universal Child Benefits. This presentation brings an overview of Save the Children's efforts to end child poverty. It has a snapshot of our work in Mozambique, showing why it is important to prioritize investments in child focuses social protection. You will also learn about the Case for Universal Child Benefits (UCBs); examples of Save the Children’s Work from across Africa. A Q&A section will help you get some answers for some of your questions. 19/10/20205MB
application/pdfCHILD SENSITIVE SOCIAL PROTECTIONAt Save the Children we advocate for a particular approach to social protection, namely Child-sensitive Social Protection (CSSP). We define CSSP as:Public policies, programmes and systems that address the specific patterns of children’s poverty and vulnerability, are rights-based in approach, and recognise the longterm developmental benefits of investing in children. Click to read more.13/10/202011MB
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