
application/pdfINTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThe capacity, structure, function, and reputation of the civil society actor must also be considered in our advocacy approach.05/07/2018385KB
application/pdfADVOCATING FOR CHANGEThe complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 05/07/2018424KB
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfFROM WORDS TO ACTION - INTEGRATE ADVOCACY IN PROGRAMSThere is no prescribed set of steps that can be applied in a standardized formula to an advocacy process. The complexity of the issue, as well as the political, social, economic context, will hugely impact the organization advocacy approach. 21/08/2018385KB
application/pdfWORKING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE SYSTEM CHANGETo understand why civil society actors sometimes succeed in influencing systemic change and at other times fail, we must understand the overall political, social and economic context. Alteration of social practices, attitudes, institution, and policies takes time and will not raise from one organization alone. 21/08/2018424KB
application/pdf Advocacy and Campaigns Summary_2020Read the summary of our Advocacy and Campaigns engagement in 2020. We worked with different stakeholders to ensure our advocacy and campaigns work is both impactful, as it is wide and inclusive. We invested on partnerships with the major players in Mozambique. That’s the case of CECAP, MEPT and the 3R platform (which comprises the three major organizations working on the field of child rights in Mozambique), with who we embarked in some important endeavors.17/12/20201MB
application/pdfRESUMO DE ADVOCACIA E CAMPANHAS 2020Leia o resumo de nosso engajamento em Advocacia e Campanhas em 2020. Trabalhamos com diferentes paceiros para garantir que nosso trabalho de advocacia e campanhas tenha impacto, pois é amplo e inclusivo. Investimos em parcerias com os principais actores de Moçambique. É o caso do CECAP, MEPT e da plataforma 3R (que reúne as três principais organizações que trabalham na área dos direitos da criança em Moçambique), com quem iniciamos alguns empreendimentos importantes.20/12/20201MB
application/pdfStop the War on Children: The forgotten onesAs the world endured the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, children affected by conflict continued to suffer grave violations of their rights. This latest report in Save the Children’s ‘Stop the War on Children’ series identifies deeply concerning trends for the safety and wellbeing of children living in conflict areas. This comes from analysis of the 2022 report of the United Nations Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, combined with updated numbers from the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) of children living in conflict zones. 09/12/202210MB
application/pdfRELATORIO ANUAL 2022 SCIMOZCom um total de 1.093.625 beneficiários directos, dos quais 686.817 são crianças, e 1.540.899 beneficiários indirectos, 2022, o primeiro ano da nossa actual estratégia (2022-2024), foi de avanços, mas também de desafios em todos os nossos sectores de actuação. O relatório detalha as áreas em que esses avanços e desafios foram encontrados, com os principais alcances por cada sector.23/06/20233MB
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