
application/pdfRelatório final do projecto UNGUMIEm Moçambique, as normas sociais e de género nocivas contribuem para o abandono escolar das raparigas e para uniões prematuras, tornando as raparigas mais vulneráveis a diferentes formas de violência, riscos de saúde e saneamento, aumento da desigualdade sistémica e baixa auto-estima. O Projeto Ungumi (2018-2022) abordou essas e outras questões. Leia o relatório final do projeto aqui.28/03/20232MB
application/pdfUNGUMI end of project ReportIn Mozambique, harmful social and gender norms contribute to girls’ dropping out of school and marrying young, making girls more vulnerable to different forms of violence, health and sanitation risks, increased systemic inequality and low self-esteem. The Ungumi Project (2018-2022) addressed these and other issues. Read the end of project report here.28/03/20232MB
application/pdfBMZ Project Fact SheetFACT SHEET_ Strengthening the resilience of conflict-affected communities in Cabo Delgado for a secure and inclusive future. Across Chiure and Montepuez – where a high percentage of IDPs (+90%) have indicated their interest in resettling into their new communities4 – the COSACA consortium and its local partners are supporting IDPs and host communities building resilient structures for a peaceful and secure future together.27/03/20232MB
application/pdf2022-24 Save the Children in Mozambique Strategic PlanThis is our Mozambique CO Strategy for 2022-24, which is based on our passion, experience and unwavering belief that every child deserves a future. It was developed through an inclusive process, working with children to ensure it responds where they feel their rights are most challenged in the country. It sets out how we will accelerate and amplify impact with children.27/03/20234MB
application/pdfToR for Youth Needs AnalysisOkhokelamo plans to conduct a qualitative youth-inclusive needs assessment (YNA) to address key information gaps and identify safe spaces for adolescents and youth (AY) to access information and support; AY priorities for improved health, nutrition and income generation; and barriers and enablers to AY engagement.24/03/2023303KB
application/pdfToR Social Behaviour Change StudyOkhokelamo will conduct formative research to guide the development of the social and behavior change (SBC) strategy across all purposes. The research will focus on the topics of breastfeeding and complementary feeding, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and food security to refine Theory of Change (ToC) and program activities. The SBC study will be complemented by other formative research activities, namely: Gender Analysis, Youth-Inclusive Needs Assessment (YINA), 24/03/2023225KB
application/pdfSouthern Africa Regional Seminar of National Human Rights InThe Southern Africa Regional Seminar of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) took place in Maputo on November 27-29. The event was attended by 58 participants - representatives of NHRI of Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Eswatini. It was also attended by the President of the Child Parliament in Mozambique and by representatives of some Civil Society Organizations based in Mozambique. This document summarizes the three days event discussions.22/03/202312MB
application/pdfMNEC APOIO 3R PRENVENÇÃO COVID-19Este documento esperlha o apoio do Miistério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação à um apelo feito pela Plataforma 3R para uma maior protecção às crianças mais vulneráveis no contexto da COVID-19 em Moçambique16/03/2023470KB
application/pdfBoletim Diário da Cólera 06032023Moçambique está desde o princípio do corrente ano de 2023 a braços com um surto de cólera que afectou já mais de 7 mil pessoas, com 43 óbitos registados até agora. A epidemia está a assolar com incidência as províncias de Sofala, Tete e Niassa. Este boletim resume a situação actual da cólera no país a 6 de Março de 202307/03/2023171KB
application/pdfConferência de Imprensa para repudiar União PrematuraNo dia 29 de Dezembro de 2020, a Plataforma 3R (Rede Came, ROSC e Rede da Criança), realizou uma conferênca de Imprensa para elogiar, repudiar e endereçar seu clamor face aos desenvolvimentos do caso hediondo de união prematura, perpetrado pelo Comandante Distrital da PRM de Morrumbala.27/02/2023742KB
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